Friday, October 29, 2010

I need structure.

I'm thinking lists, calendars, grids, etc. But then I start to procrastinate on actually making something for structure because I'm afraid it'll be ineffective or inefficient. F'ed up!

Friday, September 17, 2010

failure #1

What a perfect first post. I've been pretty overwhelmed by starting a garden. There's so much to know - so much information that's possibly maybe relevant to your situation. It's too much. So I've been playing around with how to represent some of the information that seems relevant to me in a more visual and understandable way. This is really just an idea for how to figure out the different layouts of an individual bed but eventually it became more decorative and less accurate. Maybe that's okay? I tried this with another sketch but it crossed the line between informative and chaotic very quickly. This is the first failure because I didn't commit to doing this and by the time I went to capture the sketches/notes digitally, I rushed it with my computer's built-in camera which totally blew out the white of the paper. I need to stop doing this halfway-commit-rush-to-a-shitty-final-solution thing.